According to pars. 3 and 4 of article 22 of Law 4919/2022 from 1/10/2022 the GEMI number (General Commercial Registry) of the company should MANDATORILY be indicated along with the rest of the information: the legal form, the name, the location of headquarters, the tax registration number – tax office and the other data details (phone/email contact):
- a) In every document submitted for registration in the G.E.MI.,
- b) in every document issued by Y.GE.MI.,
- c) in every document that concerns the company and bears its name,
- d) on the company’s websites, and
- e) in the company’s online stores.
The letters and order documents, regardless of their form, the websites and online stores of the companies must mention in a prominent place their legal form, their name, the address of their headquarters and the fact that they are in liquidation, when applicable.
The fines set for non-reporting are very high, including:
“For infringements of this, a fine of one hundred (100) to one hundred thousand (100,000) euros is imposed, depending on the gravity of the infringement and the company type or size category to which the entity belongs, in accordance with what is provided for in article 2 of Law 4308/ 2014 (A’ 251)”.
An adjustment period is foreseen, which is currently undefined.